Full-texts of Astronomical Publications

A Peculiar Newsletter
Newsletter of the IAU Working Group on Ap and related Stars (IAU Commissions 25, 27, 29 and 45). Issued every 6 months.
ADASS III ('93) *Electronic* Proceedings
The electronic version of the Proceedings for the ADASS III Conference, held in Victoria, October 13-15, 1993, is available on-line. A printed volume, A.S.P. Conference Series Volume 61 (Dennis R. Crabtree, R. J. Hanisch, and Jeannette Barnes, Editors), is also available, which can be ordered from the A.S.P. office in San Francisco through the WWW pages or by sending a FAX inquiry to them directly at 415-337-5205. Comments about the electronic proceedings can be sent to the editors at adass-eds@dao.nrc.ca. Electronic Editors: Daniel Durand, Jeannette Barnes, Dennis R. Crabtree.
Applied Physics Letters ( APL )
APS - What's New?
Physics newsflashes by Bob Park, American Physical Society. If you wish to subscribe to What's New by e-mail, send a message to listserv@aps.org and in the body of the message say `sub whatsnew'.
Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series ( A&AS )
A&AS is a European peer-reviewed journal publishing data papers, either observational or theoretical, as well as extensive data material forming the basis of papers with astrophysical results published in the Main Journal.
The electronic version can be accessed free of charge for 1996.
Astronomy information leaflets
These WWW pages form part of a series of astronomical pamphlets distributed by the Royal Greenwich Observatory. Information includes: The Solar System and the most distant object in it, as well as the objects that have come closest to the earth; What is a star? Aurorae; The Twenty Five brightest stars and the Thirty closest stars; The Galileo, Hipparcos, and Cassini satellites; Telescopes; Meridian Astronomy; The surface temperatures of the planets; Cosmology and Galaxies; Day and Night and the seasons including Summer Time and information on Lighting-up time, sunrise, sunset and twilight; About Time: The calendar, the date of Easter, the equation of time, and leap years. Also the year 2000 AD; Tides; Supernovae, pulsars, and Black Holes; Photometry - measuring the brightnesses of stars; Eclipses, including the total lunar eclipses on 1992 December 9 and 1993 November 29; How stars and other objects get their names; Space travel and the shuttle missions in 1993 The Satellite Laser Ranger; The use of Computers at the RGO; Sundials and the Greenwich Water Tanks
Astrophysical Journal Letters ( ApJL )
Part 2 of The Astrophysical Journal. Published with Part 1 of the Journal on the 1st, 10th, and 20th of each month. An author and subject index covering three volumes appears in Part 1 every second month. An Annual Index is published after the last volume of the year and is sent to each subscriber. The articles in this Journal are indexed in the Science Citation Index, Philadelphia, PA.
Astrophysics Data System ASIAS Article Service ( ADS Article )
This service provides access to scanned images of journal articles since 1975. So far, we have created images of ApJ Letter journal articles and linked them into the Abstract Service. We will add ApJ articles next, followed by other journals for which we can obtain publisher permission.
Australia Telescope National Facility - Preprints ( CSIRO - ATNF )
Full text of current preprints from the Australia Telescope National Facility.
Be Star Newsletter
The Be Star Newsletter is a non-refereed electronic and paper journal that is published approximately twice per year. The Be Star Newsletter is open to all contributions (observations, theory, or other news) concerning early-type stars and especially hot, near main-sequence stars. The goal of the Newsletter is to foster communication between researchers interested in this field of stellar astronomy.
CDS Information Bulletin
CEA abstracts and publications
WAIS index to the publications and abstracts of papers issued by the Center for EUV Astrophysics (CEA), Berkeley, CA.
Coded Aperture Imaging in High-Energy Astronomy
Information about coded aperture imaging as applied in X- and gamma-ray astronomy: - introduction to the principle - specific details about instruments of the past, present and proposed future - bibliography.
Comets and Meteor Showers
This site gives the complete text to the 1988 book Meteor Showers: A Descriptive Catalog, as well as recent meteor shower observations. The site also posts a wealth of comet information from news of recent discoveries, finder charts, and ephemerides, to extensive historical information on individual comets.

Delta Scuti Star Newsletter ( DSSN )
Contains current information on the subject of Delta Scuti and other variable Stars.
EDI (Electronic Document Interchange) Newsletter (ESA)
Electronic Astrophysical Journal Letters ( ApJL )
The Astrophysical Journal Letter on-line, a demonstration of the AAS's Electronic Journal Project. The AAS Electronic Journal Project is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and by the American Astronomical Society (AAS).
ESIS (European Space Information System) Newsletter (ESA)
ESO Preprints Database ( Bibliographic catalogue )
The catalogue of preprints available from the ESO Library includes entries from institutes world-wide.
ESO Publications
Includes access to ESO Messenger, ESO Scientific and Technical Reports (Preprints)
The ESO-MIDAS Courier is published twice per year by the MIDAS group of the European Southern Observatory. Contributions as well as suggestions and comments are invited and can be sent to the editor:
 Rein H. Warmels, Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse
2, D 85748 Garching bei Muenchen Email: rwarmels@eso.org 
In particular, authors of ESO-MIDAS application software that would be of general interest for the ESO-MIDAS community, are invited to make this software available.

If you want to receive future issues of the Courier, please contact the editor. More updated information about ES0-MIDAS can be obtained from the ESO-MIDAS Bulletin Board , which is also accessible via the USEnet News facility.

ESO-MIDAS Users Guide
ESO-MIDAS is the acronym for the European Southern Observatory - Munich Image Data Analysis System which is developed and maintained by the European Southern Observatory. The MIDAS system provides general tools for image processing and data reduction with emphasis on astronomical applications including imaging and special reduction packages for ESO instrumentation at La Silla. Volume A describes the basic MIDAS system with all general purpose facilities such as MIDAS Control Language, all available commands, data input/output (including plotting and image display), table system (MIDAS Data Base). Site specific features are given in an appendix. Volume B describes how to use the MIDAS system for astronomical data reduction. Application packages for special types of data or reductions (e.g., long slit and echelle spectra, object search, or crowded field photometry) are discussed assuming intensity calibrated data. A set of appendices gives a detailed description of the reduction of raw data from ESO instruments. Volume C gives the detailed description for all commands available. This volume is not available to remote users as the complete volume as it is accessed via the MIDAS GUI XHelp.
Five College Astronomy Dept. - Full texts of Ph.D. Theses ( Full text Ph. D. Theses )
The Five College Astronomy Dept. has begun placing the full text of Ph.D. theses from the department on a departmental WWW server. They will become available shortly after the final acceptance of the thesis. Besides the HTML version, Postscript files will be available on a chapter by chapter basis.
HST Data Handbook
WAIS index to the " HST Data Handbook" which describes Hubble Space Telescope (HST) datasets produced by any instrument. It includes information about how to read and understand the files on a tape, how to determine if the data should be recalibrated, how to understand potential problems with the data, and how to solve these problems. Appendixes are provided explaining how to use StarView, STSDAS, and STEIS to work with HST data.
Hypermedia Issues And Applications
State of the Art Review on Hypermedia Issues And Applications, by V. Balasubramanian, Graduate School of Management, Rutgers University, Newark, New Jersey (bala@pegasus.rutgers.edu). Chapter 1: Hypertext - An Introduction, Chapter 2: Implementation Issues, Chapter 3: Database Issues, Chapter 4: User Interface Issues, Chapter 5: Information Retrieval Issues, Chapter 6: Integration Issues, Chapter 7: Applications, Chapter 8: A Systematic Approach To User Interface Design For A Hypertext Framework. Postscript version available (tar'ed and compressed)
Information Bulletin on Variable Stars ( IBVS )
The Information Bulletin on Variable Stars is a bulletin of the Commissions 27 and 42 of the International Astronomical Union, published by Konkoly Observatory, Budapest, Hungary.
Journal of the British Astronomical Association ( Journal of the UK's premier amateur astronomy organisation )
Lunar and Planetary Information Bulletins ( LPIB )
Lunar and Planetary Information Bulletin, Lunar and Planetary Institute / Universities Space Research Association
Myung-Hyun Rhee's PhD Thesis ( rhee-PhD-thesis )
Myung-Hyun Rhee's Ph.D. Thesis On-Line (Kapteyn Institute)
NAS/NRC Space Studies Board
The SSB is an advisory board within the National Research Council, which is in turn the operational arm of the National Academies of Sciences and Engineering. The SSB operates a number of standing committees and task groups that perform studies in space science and policy for the federal government.
NASA ADC Electronic News
NASA Information Systems Newsletter
WAIS index to NASA's Information Systems Newsletter from issue 21 onwards
NASA Technical Report Server ( NTRS )
Single interface to databases maintained at: Ames Research Center - Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation Division (NAS); Dryden Flight Research Center; ICASE - Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering; Langley Research Center; RECON database - abstracts only (NASA STI); SCAN -Selected Current Aerospace Notices - abstracts only (NASA STI); STELAR Project - abstracts only (Goddard Space Flight Center)
New Astronomy
New Astronomy is fully electronic, available on the World Wide Web. A traditional paper edition is also published. The electronic version is linked to major scientific data centers, such as CDS, ADS, and NED.
New Astronomy aims to publish only the best articles in this field, without page charges, and with a very short publication time. Each field is represented by a specialist Editor who is directly responsible for the review process.
Newsletter for Galactic Center Research ( GCNEWS )
GCNEWS is a bi-monthly Newsletter dedicated to research dealing with the center of the Galaxy. The Newsletter contains abstracts to recently submitted papers with links to electronic preprints, a short invited article, and misc. announcements/conferences/job offer etc. In addition to the Newsletter a weekly Newsflash service distributes recently submitted article by emails. The electronic version of GCNEWS (HTML/PS) is available online, as are the most recently submitted abstracts and papers. On the web-page you will find the Galactic Center White Pages- a listing of people working in this field.
NOAO Newsletters
The latest issues (1 June 1992 and later) of the NOAO Newsletters can be searched with WAIS. The Newsletters can be searched by topic or by issue. To extract all the articles for a particular issue, search on the date of the issue, i.e., 1Sep93. Since WAIS defaults to a maximum of 40 articles you may want to click on the " Prefs" box and increase this number to 100 or so, if you are running XWAIS. We will attempt to install the latest issue of the NOAO Newsletter into WAIS as soon after its publication date as possible. For your first test of this database, try searching on the word " wais " .
NRAO-RAPS (WWW): preprints
Peter Tribble's Papers
Peter Tribble has converted some of his preprints into hypertext form. In addition, permission has been obtained to make his papers published in Monthly Notices available. (Note that the published papers are copyrighted and this is something of an experiment, so that some feedback would be appreciated.)
Proc. Workshop " Calibrating Hubble Space Telescope"
The proceedings from the HST Calibration Workshop held at the Space Telescope Science Institute November 15-17, 1993. These proceedings include discussions on the calibration of each instrument, including the Fine Guidance Sensors. There is also a general section that includes papers on the Optical Telescope Assembly, the HST Calibration Database and information on the calibration of other space observatories namely, the IUE and the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope. Check the table of contents for a full listing. For the user's convenience this book is available both by individual paper and by hefty chunks of postscript for each section: WFPC, FOC, FOS, GHRS and General. The latter method is most useful for those of you who want to collect the whole book. The main text of the book is 442 pages.
Proc. Workshop " The Restoration of HST Images and Spectra"
Proceedings of a Workshop held at the Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 18-19 November 1993. Edited by Robert J. Hanisch (hanisch@stsci.edu) and Richard L. White (rlw@stsci.edu). Advanced Systems Group, Science Computing and Research Support Division, Space Telescope Science Institute, 3700 San Martin Drive, Baltimore, MD 21218
RISE/PSPT newsletter ( PostScript )
Newsletter for the precision solar photometric telescope project, of the Sacramento Peak Observatory, a part of the National Solar Observatory (NSO) and the National Optical Astronomy Observatories (NOAO).
SETIQuest®, The Magazine of SETI and Bioastronomy, provides both professional and amateur astronomers with information concerning SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) and bioastronomy. Updates are published on optical and microwave- based SETI research, conferences, papers, and activities, such as Project Phoenix and SERENDIP (Search for Extraterrestrial Radio Emissions from Nearby Developed Intelligent Populations).
Sky and Telescope Weekly News Bulletin
ST-ECF Newsletter
STScI Newsletter
Sunspot community newspaper (full text in PostScript format)
The AGB newsletter
The Hot Star Newsletter
A monthly electronic publication on hot luminous stars (Wolf-Rayet stars, LBV, Of and O stars) and related phenomena in galaxies. On-line resources include abstracts with hyperlinks to full text of preprints, a Wolf-Rayet catalogue and a Wolf-Rayet bibliography.
The Net Advance of Physics ( NetAdvPhys )
Online encyclopaedia of physics/astrophysics; includes most review papers in the Los Alamos preprint base catalogued by subject. Will someday hopefully be a complete subject-index to online physics and astrophysics literature.
University of Manchester - Astronomy Group
Available are contact details, research interests of the group members, preprints and publications, course details, a frequently updated collection of links to items of interest to astronomers and of course, a few pretty pictures.
University of Massachusetts, Amherst - Department of Astronomy: Preprints ( Star Formation and Theory Group Preprints )
Abstracts and full text preprints of accepted papers from the Star Formation and Theory groups at the University of Massachusetts Astronomy Program.
University of Sussex Astronomy Department
Contains information on the department: people, research groups, courses. Also has available to download copies of recent (last 12 months) publications and preprints.
Virtual trips to black holes and neutron stars
This page contains MPEG movies and GIFs highlighting the visual distortion effects an observer would see in the high gravity environment of a neutron star or black hole (Schwarzschild metric). It is based on a refereed paper by Robert J. Nemiroff that appeared in the American Journal of Physics and is intended for educational use. The hypertext reviews several relevant aspects of gravitational lensing.
WebStars ( Astrophysics on the Web )
WebStars, at NASA's High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center, is about astronomy & astrophysics; the Space Science Web Group; software & icons downloading; WWW technical pages & style guides; on-line articles about astronomy on the Web; HEASARC/StarTrax Browse and other online services; and virtual reality. If you have a document or resource you wish to be included, send me the text (preferably HTML) or a URL. WebStars is referenced by many other sites on the Web. It has been expanded and reorganised extensively since its first announcement in February, so visit again! The What's New page lists file change dates, to help you discover updates. Also, there are New Additions areas.
Working Group for the History of Astronomy: Electronic newsletters ( EMA/ENHA )
The newsletters contain announcements of conferences, exhibitions, new books, and other related material. They are available in the German original as well as in English translation.
Young European Radio Astronomers Conference ( YERAC electronic proceedings )
The electronic proceedings of the XXVIIth Young European Radio Astronomers Conference, which was held in Cambridge, UK, 1994 September 18th to 23rd.

Updated on 96/9/16 8:38 GMT by Sergio Paoli spaoli@fcaglp.fcaglp.unlp.edu.ar